Hi, I’m Abby.

I help high performers make smart choices for lasting success and wellbeing.

Want to learn how? I regularly share actionable, evidence-based tips in my free newsletter.

- As Seen In -

Life piles on, doesn’t it?

Careers and personal lives collide in unpredictable, stressful ways — whether it’s a promotion amidst a family health crisis, a reorg while expecting a child, or a coveted project during wedding planning.

For high performers, the temptation can be to prioritize work at all costs…but that often leads to burnout.

With 75% of employees caring for someone outside of work, helping them make better decisions is essential.

I teach evidence-based strategies to increase clarity and confidence – resulting in more empowered employees who perform better, experience less burnout, and foster greater engagement within their teams.

Meet the Money and Love Book

Money and Love: An Intelligent Roadmap for Life's Biggest Decisions is an ultra-actionable guide to navigating complex decisions for people who are ambitious about their careers and their personal lives.

Drawing inspiration from a renowned course at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business (and now required reading for another GSB course), Abby and labor economist Myra Strober blend data, compelling stories, and an evidence-based framework. It’s been:

  • Recognized as a top business book;

  • Praised by CEOs (like those of Nike and Old Navy);

  • Celebrated by thought leaders (like Annie Duke and Eve Rodsky).

Buy your copy on Amazon, Bookshop.org, or request a signed copy from Abby’s local bookstore Booksmith.


I’m Abby Davisson, an award-winning leader with a passion for holistic decision-making (where every choice is made with multiple bottom lines in mind).

After two decades of driving change from inside organizations, I shifted from corporate life to become a sought-after speaker, advisor, and coach.

Now, I help others navigate the intersection of career goals, personal relationships, and meaningful impact. I’m committed to living what I preach — crafting a career that pays the bills and allows me to make a difference, all while carving out time for my family and weekly tennis lessons.

  • “I highly recommend Abby as a speaker for any company that aspires to put relationships at the center of their work.”

    – Abby Schlatter, CEO of commonFont

  • “Abby delivered a flawless keynote session during a retreat for women in leadership...I would book her as a speaker again in a heartbeat.”

    – Brittany Imwalle, Founder, Roam Collaborative

  • “Abby’s guidance is both practical and empowering. I highly recommend her and would without hesitation invite her back!”

    – Mhorag Doig, Head of Alumni Career Centre, London Business School